
Waterfronts NL provides Dutch waterfront and marina development expertise for clients all over the world. In addition to our consulting services, we also share knowledge and information on excellence in waterfront development via workshops, presentations and excursions.

What is Waterfronts NL?

Vision for Shanghai's Waterfront, China

The Dutch are experts at managing water through integrated planning, design and management teams More

What is Waterfront Development?

Public Art in Lelystad, The Netherlands

Waterfronts are more than industrial ports and marinas, waterfronts are about living with water More

Our Dutch Approach

With 70% of its land mass below sea level, the Netherlands has learned how to protect itself from climate change issues such as rising sea levels and flooding. More

Our Services

Learn about our range of services, from quick scan assessments to presentations to full scale masterplans and engineering. More